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(Almost) Ready for a New Adventure

There are now only 17 days 11 hours and a few minutes until I leave for the amazing adventure that is studying abroad! I have been so excited this summer for the experience of living in another country that I have pushed the important things on my to-do list to the last minute. There are a lot of items on that to do list still left to do.

When studying abroad, you need to get a visa, get an international phone plan, get currency to bring with you, get travel insurance, get your classes set up, reach out to other students and teachers, and most importantly: cramming your entire life into 2 suitcases. Basically, you need to get your life together for the next four months in just a few days. It really did seem impossible to me that all of this needs to be done and in such a sort amount of time. Most of the items left on my to do list I can't even complete until 48 hours before departure. But pushing through I have slowly crossed things off the list for traveling abroad.

Since last posting, there has been much change in my progress of getting ready to leave. I have no booked my flight to Aberdeen, and I will be stopping in NYC and London on the way. I have not yet booked a flight home since I do plan on traveling to the rest of Europe once my semester is over. I have been assigned a Go-Abroad mentor and tutor. This is a faculty member that is in charge of meeting with me to make sure I stay on-top of my classes and other curricular activities. I won't know what classes I will take until I arrive, though BGSU is sending me with a list of approved courses that will transfer back to further pursue my majors here. I have been assigned a room in Crombie Hall for the Fall semester. This is a campus dorm located in the main campus. I found out that I will be living by myself and there there is a sink in my dorm while I share bathrooms, kitchen, and a lounge with the rest of my hall.

I also have been added to the "Incoming International Students" on Facebook created by the University of Aberdeen. I did not know anyone into going on this trip. I have started to make a lot of friends through this page. There are many people from all sorts of backgrounds too. There are a few students from a college in my home town going while I do see the common locations of the international students are China and Michigan. I have also been added the the "Crombie Hall" Facebook page, which allows me to mingle with other students from all sorts of background that will live in the same on-campus housing as I will be living in. I have made a few friends through the page and I look forward to meeting them all soon!

Campus is located in the town of Aberdeen, a coastal town in the north-eastern part of Scotland. When I arrive it will be summer, with temperature around mid 50's low 60's. The Airport is a 15 minute car ride away which will be nice for weekends when I want to travel. The train station is also very near to campus. Many people in the northern part of Scotland speak Doric, which is a completely different language and will be interesting to try to learn. I look forward to studying at Aberdeen and can't wait for the next 17 days to pass by fast!


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