I will be returning to London for Thanksgiving this year but I did get a sneak peak at the magical city. I spent the weekend with my friend Stephanie and it was a blast exploring everything. We stayed north of the River Thames at the Astor Museum Inn, a hostel across the street from the British Museum. We were very close to Chinatown and ended up getting lost in it a few times our first day in the city. While we were in the city, the NFL was having a huge event so the streets were decorated and very crowded. While in London, Stephanie and I walked most of the time, only taking the underground subway a handful of times. On our first walk after arriving, we saw the Buckingham Palace and the horses that march by in the morning. To the right is a photo of the horses and part of the Palace.
The first day was very relaxing as we did not have a strict itinerary. We got lunch down near Piccadilly Circus and caught the afternoon showing of "Wicked". It was celebrating the 10 year anniversary of the musical and it was the best I've seen the show, even if we had horrible seats. To the left is a photo of the Apollo Victoria theater. We explored the small boutiques and tourist shops near by then ventured our way back to our hostel area.

The next morning, we caught lunch back in the main part of town. We passed by Big Ben and had to steal a photo or two. To the right is a photo of Big Ben. We took a water bus tour down the River Thames and back up to the London Eye. On the tour we saw many of the more modern buildings and areas of London. It was very different than what I was expecting. We passed under the bridge that is famous for being attacked by Death Eaters in the Harry Potter Movies. The boat turned around as we got to the London Bridge and traveled it's way back up the river to the beginning. After our water tour, we got off at the London Eye and got tickets to go to the top. Even on a rainy day the view from the top is stunning. To the left is a photo of the London Eye.
We met up with Stephanie's cousin and his girlfriend for lunch and a stroll through the famous Hyde Park. Although it can't compare to upstate NY during this time of the year, the park was in the midst of changing from summer to fall and everything was beautiful with fall colors all around. There were plenty of people running, playing, fishing, and just enjoying a nice day in Hyde Park with us. It was awesome to see something that reminded me so much of home.

After the park we went up to King's Cross, as both Stephanie and I are huge Harry Potter fans. We got our photos taken at 9 and 3/4 and went into the little shop there. I ended up getting all 8 movies and a Hogwarts t-shirt and they have been watched and worn many times since. To the right is myself at the Hogwarts Express platform. That night for dinner we ended up back in the center of town at an Ice sculpture room. It was filled with "wild animal" themed sculptures featuring a giant ice octopus. To the left is me in the thermal suit you had to wear to enter the room. The next morning we fled right back to the cold of Aberdeen, Scotland.
I look forward to explore the museums and other monuments that Stephanie and I did not get the time to do when I return for Thanksgiving. I will have my Nana and my Aunt and her family up to visit me. It will be great to have family to come see me. I had my mom come visit me right before I went on this trip and it was great to see her. Being away for so long has been hard but it is great to think I get to tell them all about my adventures when I return in December.